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    1. Monday, September 2

      by , 10-08-2019 at 07:25 PM
      I am with Mom in what looks like a small, one main road mountain town. Across the street, I notice a large group of skiers, apparently waiting for a bus. The bus appears but then passes them by. Confused, they try to flag it down. I survey their winter clothes, thinking they’re wearing too much. It doesn’t feel cold at all to me, but I guess it makes sense for when they’re actually skiing. I think about how it’s only the first day of September, so this has to be the very first snowfall and/or day of the season. We’re in one of these wooden cabin type buildings that looks pretty empty when I feel the ground shake softly but consistently. I’m certain it’s an earthquake and wait for it to happen again. It happens again, this time more intensely, so I make my way outside. I notice others coming outside, some looking panicked. Mom mentions how of course we’re in Portland, guiding my attention to the snow-covered mountain right above us. I see some watching the mountain to see if it’ll avalanche. I wonder what we would do if it did.
    2. 06/29/2015 - apocalypse robot

      by , 06-30-2015 at 11:59 AM
      I need to leave for work in like soon, so I'll only post one of the dreams I had tonight. It was the last one of the night. I had a blast, even though I wasn't really in it.

      06/29/2015 - APOCALYPSE ROBOT

      Taylor Swift is a pizza delivery person. She delivers to a house, which makes her wait in the rain. A robot servant (kind like in the new tv show "Humans") answers (after the 30 mins) and Taylor refuses to delive without payment because THEY made her wait. She throws the Pizza in the back of her car.

      Jason Momoa is at home, someone knocks on the door but covers the peephole. He opens the door and immediately gets into a fight with the guy, Xavier, who’s older. He recognizes Xavier. It was one of his parents friends when he was a boy. Jason and Xavier talk, there’s something going on in the world. Something bad. Momoa thinks it’s an alien invasion. Xavier tells him he’s wrong. It’s not aliens. It’s robots. We’ve created our own downfall.

      Taylor walks around in her town, it’s slowly being evacuated. She sees familiars in the car leaving town, but she’s completely alone. She crosses main street and heads into an alley and continues walking towards the woods just outside the town. There's a puddle a few yards ahead, with something in it.*

      That’s where I woke up. Funny thing was, as I kept ‘seeing this dream’. I wasn’t really in it, I kept telling myself, must include more robots and more critiques as to how dependent of machines society has gotten! I was seeing it sort of like it was a movie, you know with Momoa (who was ALSO in another dream of mine tonight) and Taylor having their own plots. I also get the impression that they were supposed to have a romantic sidestory and I kind of ship them right now. I even gave them a name: Jaytay. I have a boring life. Don't judge me, Dreamers.
    3. Zelda Boss Fight, Small Town, Reverse Time

      by , 03-09-2014 at 11:49 PM
      I start off in a massive, dome room (the ceiling is like the top half of a sphere). The atmosphere is precisely that of Twilight Princess from The Legend of Zelda series (amazing game... if you haven't played it, you should). The room resembles a cathedral The floor is made up of large, stone bricks. Some of the bricks are cracked and crumbly, while others are perfectly intact. The bricks are about two feet by four feet. There are dark red colored bricks and light grey bricks. They make up a target symbol with a red circle in the middle, then a grey ring, then a red ring, and the outermost area is grey. Each ring is about six bricks across. The walls are curved to line up with the ceiling and they are concrete. They're also cracking in some areas. There are pillars attached to the walls. They look like Greek pillars. I am unsure of how many there were, but there were many. On some of the pillars there are torches for lighting the room. I walk forward toward the center of the room. A large, scaly sphere bursts through the wall I'm facing. The sphere is covered in very dark red scales. The scales are fairly large, about a foot in length and ½ foot wide at their greatest width. I have to dive to get out of the way. It hits the wall opposite from where it came. I notice that the wall was is severely cracked where it hit. The scaly sphere sits there and I see its eyes. They're nearly perfectly hidden under two scales. When I make eye contact with it, it lets out a growl of hysterical anger. It starts off very low pitched (like a lion's growl), but the pitch slowly rises - as does the volume. As it growls, it begins to vibrate. The growl becomes so loud and at such a high pitch that it is almost unbearable. The higher the pitch and the louder the growl gets, the more it vibrates. I feel the vibrations in my feet and shins. It finally reaches the highest and loudest point and rolls towards me once more. I dodge once more, but this time it doesn't hit the other side or stop to get all mad and changes its aim to me once more. I know it will hit me and it does. I feel the scales grinding against me, but it does not hurt. They mostly feel like small pulses of pressure running down my skin. It is as if I am made of a squishy, latex material. The sphere and I propel through the wall. The area the sphere and I broke through leads down an underground tunnel slide. It is too small for the sphere creature to fit through, but I am sliding down the tunnel. I come to a harsh, sudden stop when I hit the ground. It causes an intense vibration from my hips down. The sensation quickly fades, and there is a shift to

      a very sunny, bright area. I am in the center of a slim pathway made of very dry soil. On both sides of the path is grass. It is more luscious and green than any grass I have ever seen. In the distance I see many buildings, but they are distorted. It just looks like they're blurry and swaying back and forth... similar to the way heat makes something look. I walk forward and pass a white picket fence. I think of it as pointless because it isn't on the path, and it only goes a couple feet on either side of the path. Anyhow, I pass it. There are small trees on the left side that still need posts for support because they aren't big enough to stand on their own, and there are a couple brown, wooden benches on the right side. I eventually get to a round-about sort of thing. It's a larger path in a circle, and it has a small median in the middle filled with little pink/red/purple/green flowers, and another small tree in the middle. It's just as big as a normal round-about. I go to the right side. There's a very old-looking pickup truck that's pretty much all rusted. It is approaching me, but the closer it gets, the slower it moves. The driver yells at me and tells me that I should pick up a flower from the ground and give it to a girl. I pick it up. When I see it the first time, it's purple. I walk further into the area and notice that I am just outside of a small, country town. There is an arch in front of me to signify the entrance to the town. There are two buildings; one on each side of the arch with their sides facing me, and their entrances facing in towards the path that continued on into the town. The path is straight and seems to go on indefinitely, as do the buildings... just one after another. The buildings are mostly old-school brick houses, but there are a few that are made of wood instead. I look for a girl to give the flower to around the outskirts of the town, but all the girls I see are with their boyfriends, husbands, or kids. I turn around and see a girl sitting on a bench beside the path facing the town. She is dressed in a black, long-sleeved shirt, and black pants. She's not sitting with anyone, so I approach her. The flower I picked up is now green. I sit next to her and give her the flower, but she wants a dandelion instead. I look down and there is, conveniently, a dandelion. I pick it and give it to her. After I look up from picking the dandelion, she isn't in all black anymore; she's wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. We stand up and begin to walk towards the city. I almost get through the arch, but then the girl starts to walk backwards away from me. Her movements aren't like normal backwards walking, they're forwards walking, reversed. The next thing I see is the rusty truck passing me, but it's going backwards to where it came from. Its backside was facing the town, and the dirt was dropping from the backside instead of coming up from the ground from its front side. The people were also moving in reverse. I could still move freely, though. I, again, almost got through the arch, but that's when I woke up.
    4. 10.09.2013

      by , 09-10-2013 at 05:52 AM
      People Are Stupid

      I am in a small town and I seem to get along with everyone. I look at the small lake and it's starting to boil. The ground also feels hot; grass is shrivelling up! Somehow, I randomly come up with the conclusion that the volcano next to the town is about to explode.

      I go into the town hall and everyone is seated, waiting in anticipation for a show to start. On stage there is a velvet-red curtain. It pulls away and there are four people standing in a square shape, bouncing Pokemon balls to each other. I found this extremely lame and boring. Apparently something is wrong with show so the curtain is pulled in front of the act. I get up on stage and ask for "geologists and volcanologists." (I know that probably isn't even a word.) No one in the town is any of those and I just tell them of the danger anyway. They laugh at me and exit the hall.

      I get a text from my mother later on and she's texting me the entries in my dream journal. I get very mad and embarrassed and ring her up to yell at her, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY DREAM JOURNAL? IT'S PRIVATE!"

      I hang up on her and then ring Dad to try and tell him about the volcano, and he just dismisses it. I also hang up on him and then run home ...

      Updated 09-11-2013 at 10:15 AM by 65486

    5. Death and Bookstore

      by , 10-12-2012 at 06:57 PM
      None lucid,though my last dreams were more vivid again,though sadly,none were lucid.
      Dream from last week:
      I was at my parent's friends house,everything was bright,and as I was going upstairs my parent's friend fell on the floor,and as I turned back he was dead with blood all over.Everybody was surprised,and my dad said "Oh,that was unsuspected".

      Dream From Tonight:
      There was a guy from my class,Emma Watson as his friend/crush and her mother was Liv Tyler(they were not their real selves,but I'll call them by their real name,for convenience's sake.Liv owned a bookstore in a small town on USA.Emma invited the guy to see it,and I remember the bookstore from another dream.Upstairs,there was some small sculptures made by Liv,and this time I was with them,and both me and the guy said one of the sculptures was cute.I soon vanished,and the scenery changed.They were outside,the guy followed Emma as she got a cheese grater from a car and was about to attack something.
    6. Terrorists in the downtown area and a False Awakening

      by , 09-07-2012 at 10:04 PM (Exterminate)
      Terrorists in the downtown area
      This was an involved dream, not everything may be in order.
      I was with my mom in a waiting room. I didn't really know what was going on, but I knew my mom was trying to win some legal battle. She tells me something about what happened last year and wondered how I could not remember. We get called into this office. I am asked what I remember from last year, but I come up with nothing. My mom tells me some things to try to refresh my memory, but I am not understanding.

      Next thing I remember we are driving downtown in a city which does not seem completely familiar. We pass by a building and saw about 4 armed guards in front of the entrance to an alleyway. My mom is driving, I am in the back, my brother is in the seat next to me, and my dad is in the passenger seat. We are in a blue minivan, big enough to hold about 7 people. We know we can't escape, as guards guide us in to this area surrounded by tall buildings, the only exit being where we just came in. I look around and there is like 3 guards aiming at each passenger at all times. I focus my attention to a guard with a sniper rifle from above. I notice most of the cars there(There had to be over 50 cars there) were all economic/small cars. We sit there for a few minutes trying to discuss the situation, then all of a sudden a person comes to the window and tells us this is a hostage situation, and that we must vote for their country's leader. If we say no, or vote for the wrong person, bad things can happen. If we try escaping, we get shot. We followed the rules (I don't remember ever voting) and were eventually allowed to leave.

      I remember at one point on the way out being on foot. My mother and I were in like an apartment building, and there were two ladders going a long distance downward. It was the only way out. I start going down, but my mom has a laptop, and can not carry it down the stairs. She sets it down, then starts declining. I go about 3 steps down, and the ladder rungs break. I ease my way down, but each rung breaks as I touch it. I can say it was not pleasant going down.. At the bottom I realize we need that laptop, and look at the side my mom came down, thankfully it was all intact, and looked more like stairs than a ladder. I go up, get the laptop, then go back down. I remember the hostage situation from last year being almost the same, and get chills.

      Skip about two days later, same thing happens. We drive up, see the guards, and know we are in trouble. We try saying to a guard that we just did this yesterday, and we are asked to leave the vehicle. We come up to a tall and intimidating black guard who asks us what our excuse was. I say we were just here yesterday, and he replies "That is bullshit, we would know if you were here by the look of your van." And I say "Well, maybe it was two days ago..I know we were just here." He gets in our van, along with a couple of other military dressed people. I remember me and my brother being in the car, the black man in the middle, 2 military people in front, and another military person in the back. The black man starts talking secrets about their plans, and the guy in the back brings a rifle to the black man's head and says something to the effect of "Don't let them know what we are up to. your job is to make sure everyone follows the rules, and if they don't, shoot them. I have no problem killing you on the spot." I remember one last person asking us why we are not listening to their rules, and I explain we were just here. He is holding a morning star that has an extendable handle. Very sturdy and dangerous.
      He says "You were not here yesterday" then holds the club as if he is about to hit it against my leg. I say maybe it was two days ago, then he swings his arm back, and just before he hits me, I "wake up."

      False Awakening
      I woke up and read my new bedside DJ. I remember it saying:
      1. Spencer, cali, lake, tits
      (I had a dream written about this, but it was so fragmented due to how early in the night it was that I deleted it.)
      2. nothing
      3. Something about a terrorist takeover downtown
      4. Mom bringing me in to a place about a terrorist attack from last year that I don't remember
      5. Terrorist takeover(more detailed)
      I remember thinking "Yes! 5 dreams recalled in one night!" I got up, walked out of the room then woke up again, this time for real.

      Updated 07-24-2018 at 08:25 PM by 57282

      false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. Someplace to be No Reason to Run there 06/28/2010

      by , 07-13-2011 at 03:47 AM
      7:00 AM
      The small town where I live was somehow transferred into urban sprawl with high rise buildings and trash in the streets. I was talking to a lesbian couple I met walking down this metal grated walk-way(kinda like walkway made out of fire escapes.) One was saying something about her career and it sounded cool. I was so happy for her that I clapped and jumped up and down. For some reason I took off running parkour style around the block. When I got back around the other side I was on ground level. I saw my next door neighbors VW bug driving by as he honked. I then noticed that a restaurant over to my right was picking up a large order.......